Impact of Global Warming Issue  

Diposting oleh Achmad Fauzi

Global warming or global warming is now a central issue for the world. Along with the issue is global warming. Global warming in the impact of climate change, and has been produce changes the impact of disasters everywhere.

If the observed more, what benefits the global warming issue for communities around the forest?. Communities around the forest basically is a community that inhabit the area around the forest for many years. Society of simplicity, in applying the values in the treated forest. People who do not know - supine, what's that about global warming or global warming.

Science and technology has hurt scheme of the process natural a forest. Science & Technology has been the progress to the brink anaesthetize nusantara be done for, the archipelago was full of natural wealth, such as oil, tin, gold, coal, flora, fauna, etc.. all of which we find that many in the forest. Now only ruins-ruins the dark rich natural history of Indonesia.

Dynamics of building a civilization, in the face of reality so cruel, treatment of the authorities to forests and forest communities, have made this nation akan poor natural resources, because of the poor to enjoy the wealth that is not public, but will enjoy the wealth that is only the authorities.

Global warming issue is just a scheme of oppression in society, there are many factors why the global warming issue is a form of oppression. One is, a lot of professional roll system to create environment-friendly agriculture, such as the use of organic fertilizer, organic plants, organic fruit, organic to market-friendly environment. Hegemony organic market is just a taste of the rich, because the agricultural system in manage organically Price very expensive.

Communities around the forest until now, whether the goal of the global warming issue that is often in discussing the policy holder, the academics, the intelectual? Because people around the forest does not need a cool language like "global warming", people around the forest only need one, namely: forest, source of life our children and our grandchildren

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